Maths tutoring for Primary and Secondary Levels
Covering the UK school curriculum
What is covered?
Year 1 (6-7 years): Emphasis is on counting and timestables, place value, Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, measurments and geometry.
Years 2 to 6 (7-11 years old - Primary Schools): The four strands of mathemetics for their age appropriate are covered, including: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, measurments, geometry and statistics. Students do tests everyweek - where possible and keepup their practice.
For those that are prepering for grammar schools (11+), additional tests and exam preperation are also provided.
Years 7 to 9 (11-14 years old - High schools): Pupils complete the 13+ curriculum, which also meets the U.K. curriculum standards. The major topics include: non calculator skills in addition, subtraction, division and multiplication with decimals, percentages, fractions, measurements, approximations, perimeter, area, volume, standard form, algebra, averages, sets, bases, angles, speed, matrices, vectors, simultaneous equations, quadractics, trigonometry, circle theorem, graphs and charts. Tests are given every week to ensure students are retaining the skills learnt.
In Year 9, pupils that have completed KS3(lower high school) syllabus are moved to GCSE (iGCSE) work and the teacher selects topics they need to cover leaving or briefly revising topics that they have already mastered.
Year 10 and 11 (14-16 years):iGCSE or GCSE:
All papers : Paper 1, Paper2 and Paper 3 of the GCSE curriculum. Topics include:
Number, Algebra ,Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change, Geometry and Measures, Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability.
Students are given exampapers reularly to help them prepare. There are also intenisve revison session available in term time and holidays.
Who teaches?
Qualified teacher with 20 years experience in teaching Enlgish
How assessed?
Tasks are given in class and homework is given, reviewed and feedback is provided.