Description: What is covered? This course covers writing skills up to pre GCSE, so pupils have string ability to write using different expressions and sentence styles. The process aproach to writing is explained and demosntrated to pupils. 10 writing tasks are explained and done with students. 50 ambitious vocabulary words are learnt in the course and used in writing so pupils are able to enhance their language. Linguistic devices are also highlighted and practices to further advance their writing. Genres include : Story writing, Reports, Letter writing. Tasks will be repeated and redrafted so pupils are able to incremently improve their work.
Who teaches: Qualified teacher with over 20 years experience in teaching Enlgish
How assessed: Tasks are given in class and homework is given, reviewed and feedback is provided.
Duration: 12 weeks
Time and date: will arrange timings with students. Each class is 2 hours once a week.